Community Infrastructure Levy Calculator

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a charge on new development and will be used to fund improvements to infrastructure required in the local area. Use the CIL calculator for an indication of how much CIL you will be liable to pay for a development.

Terms of Use
This calculator will give you an indication of the CIL charge payable on a chargeable development. The calculator is based on the formula set out in regulation 40 of the CIL regulations (2010) as amended and the CIL rates set by Dorset Council. It is not intended as a final representation of your total CIL liability and does not constitute legal advice. It is a tool to help give an indication of the likely CIL liability charge on development. Formal determination of the CIL liability will be made when a liability notice is issued by the Council.

CIL Charging Areas
To use the calculator you will need to know the floorspace (gross internal area) of your proposed development and which area of Dorset it is in, as different CIL rates apply in different areas. Please see CIL Charging Areas if you are unsure which area your development proposal is in.
Affordable Housing and CIL
Relief can be claimed from a CIL charge for affordable housing.

Relief from the CIL charge
If the proposed development is for charitable purposes or includes a self-build element then you may be eligible to claim relief from the CIL charge. By including the floorspace of any development which may be eligible for relief, the calculator can give an indication of any revised CIL liability.

CIL Indexation
The CIL regulations include indexation and the rates are updated annually, in January, based on the BCIS All in Tender Price Index.

CIL Queries
If you have any further CIL queries please contact

Development Location
New Floorspace on Completion

Floorspace Retained in Existing Buildings
Existing buildings which have been vacant for 3 years or over can not be included.

Floorspace Demolished
Affordable Housing
Relief can be claimed from a CIL charge for affordable housing.
Floorspace Qualifying for Exemption
Charitable Housing Floorspace

Self-Build Floorspace
Indexation Rate